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卡莫司汀得植入剂(Gliadel 7.7mg Implant)ギリアデル脳内留置用剤7.7mg(一)
2013-07-12 10:28:55 来源: 作者: 【 】 浏览:3631次 评论:0

格立得植入剂GLIADEL® Wafer (polifeprosan 20 with carmustine implant)|卡莫司汀得植入剂(Gliadel 7.7mg Implant)ギリアデル脳内留置用剤7.7mg
Gliadel Wafer格立得植入剂
Gliadel Wafer为直径1.45公分、厚约1公厘的灰白至淡黄色无菌植入製剂。每一片含可生物分解的聚酸酐polifeprosan 20 (polyanhydride  copolymer) 192.3 毫克及carmustine 7.7 毫克。Carmustine均匀分布於polifeprosan 20基质中,并由prolifeprosan 20负责控制carmustine的局部传送。
Gliadel Wafer能够直接将carmustine释放至脑癌摘除手术后所造成的腔室内,并扩散至週边的脑组织,藉由对DNA及RNA的烷基化作用而发挥抗惡性肿瘤作用。
Gliadel Wafer中的polifeprosan 20,在动物实验中发现,超过70%於三週内分解,分解后的单体包括carboxyphenoxypropane经由肾臟排除,而sebacic acid则经由肝臟代谢成二氧化碳排出体外。Prolifeprosan 20 在人体内的吸收、分佈、代谢及排除等特性尚不清楚。Gliadel Wafer释放至人体脑腔的carmustine浓度也尚无测量值。植入脑癌摘除手术后腔室的Gliadel Wafer能被生物分解,分解率因人而異。即使所有成分皆被充分分解,但於分解过程中,脑部影像扫瞄或再次手术皆可見到植入剂残餘物尚留在脑内。
1. 癲癇发作:高度惡性神经胶质瘤復发病人之再次手术臨床试验发现,兩组病人的癲癇发作率为19%,手术后五天内癲癇发作的发生率为54% (12/22,Gliadel组)及9% (2/22,安慰剂组)。手术后第一次癲癇发作时间的平均天數为Gliadel组3.5天,安慰剂组61天。
2. 脑水肿:新诊断罹患高度惡性神经胶质瘤病人之手术治療臨床试验显示,脑水肿发生率为22.5% (Gliadel组)及19.2%(安慰剂组)。脑水肿伴随肿块时(可能原因有肿瘤復发、颅内感染、坏死),可能需要再次手术,有些病人甚至必须取出Gliadel Wafer或其残留物。
3. 伤口癒合異常:高度惡性神经胶质瘤復发病人之再次手术臨床试验,伤口癒合異常发生率为14%(Gliadel 组)及5%(安慰剂组)。
4. 颅内感染:高度惡性神经胶质瘤復发病人之再次手术臨床试验中,脑脓疡或脑膜炎的发生率为4%(Gliadel组) 及1%( 安慰剂组)。
手术摘除后的腔室应避免与脑室相通,以预防Gliadel r移位至脑室,造成阻塞性水脑。如肿瘤摘除后之腔室与脑室之缺口大於Gliadel 的直径, 应填补缺口后再植入GliadelWafer。
已知对carmustine或本药品其它任一成分过敏的病人禁忌投与Gliadel 。
目前尚无Gliadel Wafer与其它药品交互作用的研究。化学治療併Gliadel Wafer的短期及长期毒性试验结果尚未完成。放射性治療併Gliadel未見任何短期或慢性毒性。
每一片Gliadel Wafer含carmustine 7.7 mg,手术植入八片等於投与剂量61.6 mg。一般建议剂量:於脑癌摘除手术后所造成的腔室内植入Gliadel 八片。若空间不够植入八片,则尽可能以最大能植入的片數植入。目前尚无单次手术植入Gliadel Wafer八片以上的臨床经验,因此不建议植入八片以上。 Gliadel Wafer对儿童的安全性及有效性尚未建立。
GLIADEL® Wafer (polifeprosan 20 with carmustine implant) is indicated in patients with newly diagnosed high-grade malignant glioma as an adjunct to surgery and radiation.

GLIADEL Wafer is also indicated in patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme as an adjunct to surgery.

Important Safety Information
GLIADEL® Wafer (polifeprosan 20 with carmustine implant) should not be given to patients who have demonstrated a previous hypersensitivity to carmustine or any of the components of GLIADEL Wafer.

Patients undergoing craniotomy for malignant glioma and implantation of GLIADEL Wafer should be monitored closely for known complications of craniotomy, including seizures, intracranial infections, abnormal wound healing, and brain edema. Cases of intracerebral mass effect unresponsive to corticosteroids have been described in patients treated with GLIADEL Wafer, including 1 case leading to brain herniation.

Carmustine, the active component of GLIADEL Wafer, can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman. It is recommended that patients receiving GLIADEL Wafer discontinue nursing.

Communication between the surgical resection cavity and the ventricular system should be avoided to prevent the wafers from migrating into the ventricular system and causing obstructive hydrocephalus. If a communication larger than the diameter of a wafer exists, it should be closed prior to wafer implantation.

CT and MRI of the head may demonstrate enhancement in the brain tissue surrounding the resection cavity after implantation of GLIADEL Wafer. This enhancement may represent edema and inflammation caused by GLIADEL Wafer or tumor progression.

The short-term and long-term toxicity profiles of GLIADEL Wafer when given in conjunction with chemotherapy have not been fully explored.

The following 4 categories of adverse events are possibly related to treatment with GLIADEL Wafer:

•Seizures: In the initial surgery trial, the incidence of seizures was 33.3% in patients receiving GLIADEL Wafer and 37.5% in patients receiving placebo. Grand mal seizures occurred in 5% of GLIADEL Wafer–treated patients and 4.2% of placebo-treated patients. The incidence of seizures within the first 5 days after wafer implantation was 2.5% in the GLIADEL Wafer group and 4.2% in the placebo group.

In the surgery for recurrent disease trial, the incidence of post-operative seizures was 19% in both patients receiving GLIADEL Wafer and placebo. In this study, 12/22 (54%) of patients treated with GLIADEL Wafer and 2/22 (9%) of placebo patients experienced the first new or worsened seizure within the first 5 post-operative days.

The median time to onset of the first new or worsened post-operative seizure was 3.5 days in patients treated with GLIADEL Wafer and 61 days in placebo patients.
•Brain Edema: In the initial surgery trial, brain edema was noted in 22.5% of patients treated with GLIADEL Wafer and in 19.2% of patients treated with placebo. Development of brain edema with mass effect (due to tumor recurrences, intracranial infection, or necrosis) may necessitate re-operation and, in some cases, removal of GLIADEL Wafer or its remnants.
•Healing Abnormalities: The following healing abnormalities have been reported in GLIADEL Wafer clinical trials: wound dehiscence, delayed wound healing, subdural

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