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Epocelin Injection 1g(头孢唑肟钠注射剂 에포세린)
产地国家 韩国 
处 方 药: 是 
所属类别 1克/瓶 10瓶/盒 
包装规格 1克/瓶 10瓶/盒 
计价单位: 盒 
Astellas Pharma Inc,Tanabe mitsubishi
Epocelin Injection(에포세린)1g/via 10via/box
ceftizoxime sodium Suppositories
益保世灵注射液(에포세린)1克/瓶 10瓶/盒


别  名:去甲噻肟头孢菌素,头孢甲噻肟,安普西林,安保速灵, Epocelin, CZX, Epocerin, FK749, FR13749, SK F88372-Z, Ceftix, Cefizox
化学名称:5-Thia-1-azabicyclo[4,2,0]oct-2-ene-2-carboxylic acid, 7-[[(2Z)-(2-amino-4-thiazolyl)(methoxyimino)acetyl]amino]-8-oxo-, monosodium salt, (6R,7R)-
分 子 式:C13H12N5NaO5S2
分 子 量:405.38
开发单位:藤泽药品工业株式会社 (日本)
本品半合成的第三代头孢菌素,抗菌谱较广,与头孢噻肟相似对些革兰阳性菌有中度的抗菌作用,对革兰阴性菌的作用强,抗菌谱包括:金黄色葡萄球菌、链球菌属、肺炎球菌、流感嗜血杆菌、肺炎链球菌、肠杆菌、克雷白杆菌、变形杆菌及肠细菌属等。耐第一代头孢菌素和庆大霉素的一些革兰阴性菌可对本品敏感。但粪链球菌和耐甲氧西林的葡萄球菌对本品不敏感。 主要用于敏感细菌所致败血症,呼吸系统感染、泌尿及生殖系统感染、胸膜炎、腹膜炎、胆囊炎、宫腔感染、附件炎、脑膜炎、创伤和烧伤等继发感染。由于本品系从肾脏排泄,对肾盂肾炎及尿路感染疗效尤为显著。
1 过敏反应引起的主要症状是皮疹、荨麻疹、瘙痒、红斑及药物热等,对药物有过敏史者要慎用。必要时可作皮试。
2 胃肠道反应如恶心、呕吐、腹泻等。
3 静注1次大量,可引起血管痛及血栓性静脉炎,故宜减慢注射速度。
4 可发生眩晕、头痛等反应。
Product name: Epocelin 1g (Epocelin Injection 1g)
Manufacturing and Importer: Dong-A Pharmaceutical
Sales Company: Dong-A Pharmaceutical
Welfare Division Classification: mainly Gram-positive, acting on negative bacteria
Insurance Code/Classification: A01506831 (pay 9,300 won/1)
Ceftizoxime Sodium 1 g
한글 Ingredient name: cefthyu-cho Sodium 1 g
Production: Production
US FDA Maternal Stability: Classification
Appearance: Vial containing white-pale crystalline powder
Efficacy / Effectiveness:
1. Effective species
(Including enterococci), pneumococcal bacteria, influenza bacteria, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Proteus, Serratia, Enterobacter, Citrobacter, Peptococcus, Peptococcus,
1) sepsis, infective endocarditis
2) meningitis
3) Secondary infection of burns and burns
4) bronchitis, bronchiectasis (infection), secondary infection of chronic respiratory disease, pneumonia, lung abscess, empyema
5) Cholecystitis, cholangitis
6) Peritonitis
7) Pyelonephritis, cystitis, prostatitis
8) uterine appendicitis, intrauterine infection, pelvic quadriplegia
Usage / Capacity:
1. Intravenous injection
1) Adult: As a cefotinose, 0.5 ~ 2g (potency) is injected intravenously 2 ~ 4 times a day.
2) Pediatric patients (6 months or more): Intravenous injections should be administered 2-4 times per day (40-80 mg / kg body weight).
3) refractory or severe infections: 1 day adults 4g (Activity), Children (over 6 months) has increased to 120mg per dose by weight Kg (potency).
2. Intramuscular injection
1) Adult: As a persimmon of cefthi, 0.5 ~ 2g (potency) is injected 2 ~ 4 times a day.
2) Appropriate increase or decrease according to age and symptoms.
3) Preparation of this drug
For intravenous injection, dissolve in injectable water, saline solution or glucose injection solution and inject slowly. For intravenous injection, dissolve in saline solution, electrolyte solution, amino acid preparation, etc. and inject for 30 minutes to 2 hours. Do not use injected water for dissolving (it is not an isotonic solution). For intramuscular injection, inject 2 mL of 0.25 g (potency) vial and 0.5 g (potency) vial and 1 g (potency) vial in 3 mL of water for injection or 0.5% lidocaine injection.
Precautions for use:
1. Do not administer to the following patients.
1) Patients with a history of shock due to this drug
2) Patients with hypersensitive reaction to anilide-based local anesthetics such as lidocaine (for muscle injections only).
2. The following patients should be administered with caution.
1) It should not be administered to patients with a history of hypersensitivity reactions to this drug or chemotherapy antibiotics, but should be administered with caution in case of unavoidable administration.
2) Patients with a history of hypersensitivity to penicillin antibiotics
3) Patients whose parents or siblings are susceptible to allergic symptoms such as bronchial asthma, rash, or urticaria
4) Patients with severe renal disease
5) Patients with poor oral intake or parenteral nutrition, elderly people, and patients with poor general condition (Observe vitamin K deficiency symptoms enough.)
6) Patients with a history of gastrointestinal disease (especially colitis)
3. Adverse reactions
1) Shock: Rarely can cause shock or anaphylactic reactions. Observe carefully. If discomfort, anxiety, hallucinations, dizziness, paralysis, tinnitus, sweating, etc. appear, discontinue administration and take appropriate measures.
2) Hypersensitivity: Occasional rash, urticaria, erythema, fever, itching. Lymph node swelling, arthralgia, paralysis may occur rarely.
3) Digestive system: In rare cases, severe colitis accompanied by stool such as pseudomembranous colitis may occur. If you have abdominal pain or frequent diarrhea, take appropriate measures such as stopping the administration immediately. Also, sometimes diarrhea, vomiting, and other symptoms can occur.
4) Respiratory system: Intermittent pneumonia accompanied by fever, cough, dyspnea, chest x-ray abnormality, eosinophilia, eosinophilic lung infiltration may occur. If such symptoms occur, discontinue administration and discontinue administration of corticosteroids Take appropriate action.
5) Blood system: Sometimes anemia, granulocytopenia, thrombocytopenia, eosinophilia, leukocytosis, and transient thrombocytosis are rarely observed. Hemolytic anemia may occur.
6) Skin: Stevens-Johnson syndrome was reported using deprived dermatitis, toxic epidermal mass.
7) Liver: Sometimes AST, ALT, ALP, bilirubin, LDH elevation may occur rarely, and jaundice may appear. If the abnormality is recognized, appropriate treatment should be discontinued.
8) Kidney: In rare cases, serious renal impairment such as acute renal failure, transient BUN, elevation of blood creatinine may occur. If the abnormality is confirmed by observing regularly, etc., stop the administration and take appropriate measures.
9) Hypoglycemia: In rare cases, stomatitis and candidiasis may occur.
10) Vitamin Deficiency: Rarely, there may be symptoms of vitamin K deficiency (hypoprothrombinemia, bleeding tendency, etc.), vitamin B deficiency syndrome (sulphitis, stomatitis, anorexia and neuritis).
11) Others: Headache and vaginitis may occur rarely.
4. General caution
1) It is preferable to confirm the susceptibility and to administer only the minimum period necessary for treatment in order to prevent the expression of resistant bacteria in the use of this drug.
2) It is desirable to perform a skin reaction test beforehand enough to predict a reaction such as shock.
3) Prepare for first aid in case of shock, and keep patient in stable condition after administration.
5. Interaction
1) Caution should be exercised in combination with other cephalosporins and aminoglycoside antibiotics that renal toxicity may increase.
2) In combination with probenecid, the rate of tubular excretion of this drug may be reduced and the blood concentration may be sustained.
3) Combination with warfarin sodium may enhance the action of warfarin.
4) When administered in combination with a diuretic such as furosemide, nephrotoxicity may be increased.
6. Administration to pregnant and lactating women
1) Since the safety of administration during pregnancy is not established, it should be administered only to women who are pregnant or likely to be pregnant, if the therapeutic benefit is judged to be beyond the risk.
2) Since breastfeeding has been reported, care should be taken in breastfeeding.
7. Administration to children
1) Safety is not established for newborns, premature infants, and infants less than 6 months old.
2) There may be an increase in transient eosinophilia, AST, ALT, and CPK when administered to children over 6 months. The rise in CPK appears to be associated with intramuscular injections.
8. Administration to elderly people
In the case of the elderly, pay attention to the following points and pay attention to the patient's condition such as the dose and the interval of administration.
1) In general, the physiological function is lowered, and many adverse reactions are likely to occur.
2) Vitamin K deficiency can lead to bleeding tendency.
9. Influence on clinical examination
1) Be careful that false positives may occur in Benedict's reagents, test reagents, and urine tests by a clinical test except for the test tape reaction.
2) Be cautious because it can directly test positive coombs.
10. Application Precautions
1) Intravenous administration may cause vasoconstriction and thrombophlebitis rarely. Therefore, pay attention to injection preparation, injection site, injection method and so on.
2) Intramuscular injection should be used only when it is inevitable.
3) Pain may occur in the injection site during muscle injection.
4) Do not inject muscles into newborns, premature babies, infants, and children.
5) In order to avoid the influence on tissues, nerves, etc. during muscle injection, pay attention to the following points.
① Avoid repeated injections at the same site as much as possible.
② Be careful to avoid the nerve running area.
③ When piercing the injection needle, complain of intense pain, or if blood reflux occurs, remove the needle immediately and change the site.
6) In principle, avoid mixing with other drugs.
11. Storage and Handling Precautions
If it needs to be used and stored promptly after dissolution, it should be used within 12 hours because it can form precipitates when stored at room temperature, and within 48 hours when stored in cold storage. Do not use if sediment is seen. The dissolving solution may be slightly yellowish with the lapse of time, but it may be used. However, if the color is blurred, it should be discarded.
12. Other
Interactions with oral contraceptives have been reported.
Storage: sealed container at room temperature
Packing units: 1, 5, 10 vials 

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