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CeeNu Capsules 40mg(Lomustine 洛莫司汀胶囊)
产地国家 美国 
处 方 药: 是 
所属类别 40毫克/粒 20粒/盒 
包装规格 40毫克/粒 20粒/盒 
计价单位: 盒 
Bristol-Myers Squibb
CeeNu 40mg/Capsules 20Capsules/box
CeeNu胶囊 40毫克/粒 20粒/盒


商品名:CeeNu Capsules
生产商:Bristol-Myers Squibb
本品为细胞周期非特异性药,对处于G2-S边界,或S早期的细胞最敏感,对G2期亦有抑制作用。动物实验表明其与BCNU机理相似。本品进入人体后,其分子从氨甲酰胺键处断裂为两部分:一为氯乙胺部分,将氯解离,形成乙烯碳正离子,发挥烃化作用,致使 DNA链断裂,RNA及蛋白质受到烃化,这些主要与抗瘤作用有关;另一为氨甲酰基部分变为异氰酸酯,或再转化为氨甲酸,以发挥氨甲酰化作用,主要与蛋白质,特别是与其中的赖氨酸末端氨基等反应。据认为这主要与骨髓毒性作用有关,氨甲酰化作用还可破坏一些酶蛋白,使DNA受烃化破坏后较难于修复,有助于抗癌作用。本品虽具烷化剂作用。但与一般烷化剂无交叉耐药性,与长春新碱、甲基苄肼及抗代谢药物亦无交叉耐药性。对小鼠和兔子的试验表明该药物有致癌性。
口服后6小时内可发生恶心、呕吐,可持续2~3天,预先用镇静药或甲氧氯普胺并空腹服药可减轻;少数患者发生胃肠道出血及肝功能损害。骨髓抑制,服药后 3~5周可见血小板减少,白细胞降低可在服药后第1及第4周先后出现两次,第6~8周才恢复;但骨髓抑制有累计性。偶见全身性皮疹,有致畸胎的可能,亦可能抑制睾丸或卵巢功能,引起闭经或精子缺乏。
CeeNu (Lomustine)
CeeNu is used to treat brain tumors
Many people suffer from brain tumors which can be caused by many things, including exposure to radiation. The high cost of prescription medications is staggering and is ever-increasing. How can one receive help with prescriptions? Prescription Hope, Inc. is a national advocacy program that utilizes direct access to many pharmaceutical company sponsored patient assistance programs which offer prescription help to those who qualify, including prescription help for low income individuals. If you are one of the many Americans who need help paying for prescriptions, don’t worry, we can help. Prescription assistance programs are offered on a national level but can be very difficult and time consuming to navigate.
Process for Lomustine Assistance
Over the years, we have streamlined a very complicated and time consuming process in order to provide the best customer service experience while offering assistance with prescriptions to those in need. Prescription Hope is not like other programs that offer help for prescription drugs, our patient advocates complete the process, full-circle, in order to provide a continuous supply of brand-name prescription medications for only per month per medication. If you, or you know someone, in need of financial assistance with medications have them call a patient advocate today at 1-877-296-HOPE (4673) to see if you qualify.
More Than a Drug Discount Program
Many medication programs for CeeNu like discount pharmacy drug cards offer only a fraction, if any, savings nor do they really provide medication help to the average American. Pharmacy assistance programs for CeeNu offer programs to help pay for medications and to provide prescription help for uninsured patients, yet still fall short of achieving notable help with medication pricing. Prescription Hope is a national company that can offer help paying for medications like CeeNu by use of its medication access network. We work with thousands of doctors, hospital systems, social workers and many other entities by offering rx assistance that truly provides results. We have helped thousands of individuals across the nation to navigate patient assistance programs for medications in order for them to obtain prescription drug help through the prescription drug programs available.
There Is Help Available (CeeNu)
Many Americans do not realize that there are prescription help programs for CeeNu available to turn to for prescription drugs they may need assistance with so they do not get help with prescription pricing and are forced to choose between groceries or medication. This sad reality is what has charged the advocates at Prescription Hope with the drive to offer financial assistance with medications like CeeNu by providing a unique service that allows a patient to receive prescription medication assistance. Providing help with prescription costs is what we do every day for thousands of individuals who need help with prescription drugs.
Medication Assistance Programs (CeeNu)
Prescription drug assistance programs have many medication assistance programs available to provide help paying for medication, however, the prescription assistance program application is different for each prescription assistance program which makes it difficult to get help with medications through prescription assistance services. Prescription Hope’s patient advocates navigate the prescription assistance plans for drugs like CeeNu and medication assistance programs to help provide prescription drug assistance for only per month per medication.
Many doctors, social workers, and other groups refer individuals to Prescription Hope as the trusted source for low income prescription assistance, prescription help for uninsured patients, and many other demographics. Low cost medication programs that provide prescription medication help for drugs like CeeNu is sometimes, the only way that an individual can make ends meet by using these programs to help pay for medications.
The problem is that the details to each of the patient medication assistance plans vary widely which causes many people to be denied drug assistance programs and do not receive help with paying for prescriptions through prescriptions assistance programs.
This very reason is why Prescription Hope’s medication access network is more valuable than ever! We have streamlined processes which allows for a 99% acceptance rate through patient medication assistance programs which will ensure patient prescription assistance program recipients will receive prescription drugs at a much lower cost which will help remove the fear of receiving a denial of prescription programs and therefore allowing them to always receive their medications and on time. The only cost for the Prescription Hope program is $50.00 per month per medication with no enrollment fees, application fees, or hidden costs.
The Struggle With Self Processing (CeeNu)
Many patients try to complete assistance programs to receive their medications on their own which can be very difficult and confusing, resulting in denials. Prescription Hope is here to prevent the people from losing the chance at receiving their prescription through patient assistance programs. We cut through the mounds of paperwork and webs of red tape so that patients will receive assistance through the pharmaceutical company program.
Our advocates are available to answer any questions you may have about enrolling into the Prescription Hope program and to answer any questions about your account while in the Prescription Hope program. If you are in need of CeeNu, or any other medication, please complete an enrollment form to see if we can help you in obtaining over 1,500 FDA Approved Brand-Name medications. 

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