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A1CNow SELFCHECK(2检测试剂盒)
产地国家 美国 
处 方 药: 是 
所属类别 2检测试剂盒  
包装规格 2检测试剂盒  
计价单位: 盒  
Bayer A1C Now SelfCheck system w/ 2 test kits
拜耳A1C自检已系统 2检测试剂盒


A1CNow +
与增加的糖尿病和疾病的潜在的严重并发症的发生率,糖化血红蛋白的家庭测试应糖尿病管理的一个组成部分。 Metrika的A1CNow +(参见图1)是糖尿病患者可以在家中使用,以获得访问办公室之间的即时HbA1c结果的第一个非处方设备。该A1CNow +是便携,容易使用的设备,可提供快速HbA1c结果与精确和accuracy.8 A1CNow +需要大约10 MCL的血液。血液稀释0.69毫升缓冲洗涤剂溶液的铁氰化物和直接施加到样品端口。结果五分钟后显示器的液晶显示器上显示的数字形式。该装置自激活在插入测试盒,并获得所述血液试样之前没有禁食是必需的。测试结果表示为糖化%,较血糖控制在过去的三个月。  
Bayer's A1CNow SELFCHECK, an A1C system for at
Bayer's A1CNow SELFCHECK, cleared by the Food and Drug Administration last year, is the first and only system of its kind with at-home results in five minutes. It enables patients to more closely watch their A1C level in between doctor visits so they may have a more informed discussion with their healthcare provider to ensure their diabetes plan is working.
Measuring A1C levels is important for diabetes management, as even a one-percent point reduction in A1C may lower the risk of complications by up to 40 percent.(1)
"A1C testing is an important measure of long-term diabetes management," said Olivier Jarry, Chief Operating Officer for Bayer Diabetes Care. "Bayer's A1CNow SELFCHECK provides patients with a new way to partner with their healthcare providers to help meet their blood sugar goals over time."
A1CNow SELFCHECK complements the healthcare provider-administered A1C test but is not intended to replace it or routine blood glucose testing. Bayer's A1CNow SELFCHECK, when used in conjunction with blood glucose meters, such as Bayer's CONTOUR® or BREEZE®2 blood glucose meters, lets people with diabetes know where they stand with respect to their treatment goals.
A1CNow SELFCHECK comes as a 2-test-kit for a suggested sale price of $29.99. These websites also contain valuable educational information for patients to help them better understand and track their A1C progress.
About Diabetes
Diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce or properly use insulin. Approximately 23.6 million children and adults in the United States have diabetes, which puts them at risk for developing serious health complications over time, such as heart disease, kidney disease, blindness and stroke.(2) Type 1 diabetes, also called juvenile diabetes, is usually diagnosed in children and young adults. In persons with type 1 diabetes, the body makes little or no insulin, which may result in many complications if glucose levels are not controlled.(3) Type 2 diabetes is usually diagnosed in adults, although increasingly, children are being diagnosed with this disease. Type 2 is associated with obesity, family history of diabetes, history of gestational diabetes, impaired glucose metabolism, physical inactivity and race/ethnicity.(4)
About A1C
A1C is a measure of how much sugar is attached to hemoglobin - a protein inside the red blood cells. The more sugar there is in the blood, the more will stick to hemoglobin, which increases a patient's A1C level. Once it sticks, sugar remains on the hemoglobin for the life of the red blood cell, about three months.
An A1C reading provides the average blood sugar level over the past 2-3 months and indicates how well your treatment plan is working. A1C levels, for most people without diabetes, range from four to six percent. For most patients with diabetes, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends an A1C under seven percent. A1C levels higher than seven percent may increase the risk of developing complications such as heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, eye disease, nerve damage, amputations and circulation problems.
The ADA recommends performing an A1C test at least two times a year in patients who are meeting treatment goals and have stable glycemic control. The ADA recommends testing four times a year for patients whose therapy has changed or are not meeting glycemic goals.

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