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Advagraf 0.5mg, 1mg, 3mg and 5mg Prolonged-release hard capsules(五)
2013-07-04 17:55:11 来源: 作者: 【 】 浏览:12415次 评论:0
ons have generally been in the range of 5 - 15 ng/ml in liver, kidney and heart transplant recipients.

Special populations

Hepatic impairment

Dose reduction may be necessary in patients with severe liver impairment in order to maintain the tacrolimus blood trough levels within the recommended target range.

Renal impairment

As the pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus are unaffected by renal function (see section 5.2), no dose adjustment is required. However, owing to the nephrotoxic potential of tacrolimus careful monitoring of renal function is recommended (including serial serum creatinine concentrations, calculation of creatinine clearance and monitoring of urine output).


In comparison to Caucasians, black patients may require higher tacrolimus doses to achieve similar trough levels.


There is no evidence that male and female patients require different doses to achieve similar trough levels.

Elderly patients

There is no evidence currently available to indicate that dosing should be adjusted in elderly patients.

Paediatric patients

The safety and efficacy of Advagraf in children under 18 years of age have not yet been established. Limited data are available but no recommendation on a posology can be made.

Method of administration

Advagraf is a once-a-day oral formulation of tacrolimus. It is recommended that the oral daily dose of Advagraf be administered once daily in the morning. Advagraf prolonged-release hard capsules should be taken immediately following removal from the blister. Patients should be advised not to swallow the desiccant. The capsules should be swallowed whole with fluid (preferably water). Advagraf should generally be administered on an empty stomach or at least 1 hour before or 2 to 3 hours after a meal, to achieve maximal absorption (see section 5.2). A forgotten morning dose should be taken as soon as possible on the same day. A double dose should not be taken on the next morning.

In patients unable to take oral medicinal products during the immediate post-transplant period, tacrolimus therapy can be initiated intravenously (see Summary of Product Characteristics for Prograf 5 mg/ml concentrate for solution for infusion) at a dose approximately 1/5th of the recommended oral dose for the corresponding indication.

Go to top of the page4.3 Contraindications
 Hypersensitivity to tacrolimus, or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1

Hypersensitivity to other macrolides

Go to top of the page4.4 Special warnings and precautions for use
 Medication errors, including inadvertent, unintentional or unsupervised substitution of immediate- or prolonged-release tacrolimus formulations, have been observed. This has led to serious adverse reactions, including graft rejection, or other adverse reactions which could be a consequence of either under- or over-exposure to tacrolimus. Patients should be maintained on a single formulation of tacrolimus with the corresponding daily dosing regimen; alterations in formulation or regimen should only take place under the close supervision of a transplant specialist (see sections 4.2 and 4.8).

Advagraf is not recommended for use in children below 18 years due to limited data on safety and/or efficacy.

For treatment of allograft rejection resistant to treatment with other immunosuppressive medicinal products in adult patients clinical data are not yet available

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